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Fundusze Europejskie dla Śląskiego 2021-2027

Photographic technician is a service profession, combining technical skills and aesthetic sensibility. At the same time, its representatives do not belong to the most numerous professional groups in the voivodeship, but their competences allow them to perform tasks not only connected with photography, but also to related fields – information technology, hardware, applications, software and computer graphics. However, for graduates of the Technical and General Secondary School Complex No. 3 in Katowice to enter the labour market with a broad knowledge of modern technologies and multimedia, they need a phototechnical workshop that meets modern standards. The help has come in the form of European Funds.

Project title
Trendy Atelier – modernization of photo studio and darkroom at the Technical and General Secondary School Complex No. 3 in Katowice

The city of Katowice

Priority axis/ Measure/ Sub-measure
Priority axis: XII. Educational infrastructure
Measure: 12.2. Vocational training infrastructure
Sub-measure: 12.2.1 Vocational training infrastructure – ITI

Project value: PLN 1,314,000.00
EU grant value: PLN 868,948.77

Why was the project undertaken?

The school educated photographic technicians and photographers for decades. However, over the years, multimedia has increased its impact on the field of phototechnics and photography. The equipment constituting the school's didactic base turned out to be outdated, ceased to meet the criteria and requirements set by the new curriculum for teaching the profession of photographic technicians.

One of the main goals of the project was to enable learning on equipment with which students - and then graduates - will meet in their future workplaces.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that this project is complementary to the project implemented under the European Social Fund, which supplements the content of teaching with threads not listed in the core curriculum, i.e. extends the competences and skills of students.

What has been achieved?

As part of the project, a renovation and equipping of the workshop for practical learning of the photographic technician profession were carried out at Technical Secondary School No. 12 at the Technical and General Secondary School Complex No. 3 in Katowice, including, in particular, photography studios and darkrooms, image processing labs and multimedia techniques computer labs.

The aim of the project was to increase the professional competences of students learning phototechnics at Technical Secondary School No. 12 to better meet the needs of the local and regional labour market. Adjusting students' competences to the requirements of the labour market should help them find employment after completing education and enable employers to employ a well-educated employee.

Modern equipment purchased under the project and refurbished laboratories increase the chances of students of Technical and General Secondary School Complex No. 3 to gain professional competences meeting the needs of the labour market to a greater extent than before.

Who uses/benefits from the effects of the project?

The effects of the project are used by students of Technical Secondary School No. 12 who learn the field of phototechnics as well as photography and multimedia techniques. In the 2017/2018 school year it is a group of about 130 people.

Currently, the equipment purchased under the project is used during classes with students under the project "Photographic technician with the future...”

In addition, Technical and General Secondary School Complex No. 3 educates individual extramural classes in the field of phototechnics as part of the first qualification A.20 taught in the profession of photographic technicians (free courses as part of out-of-school education on qualifications in the above-mentioned professions and on coherent qualifications). These people also benefit from the effects of the project. Currently 40 students participate in the courses.

In addition, laboratories for the training of the profession of photographic technicians have been prepared in a way that, if necessary, they are also available to students of Technical and General Secondary School Complex No. 3 learning, e.g. professions of electronics technicians or IT technicians.

What are the main benefits of the project?

The benefit of the project is the opportunity to educate young people on the highest quality equipment that will make it possible to keep up with the dynamically developing multimedia market for several years. From September 2017, the name of the profession changed from photographic technician to photography and multimedia technician, which clearly shows the trend of changes taking place in the field of photography.

Equipment purchased under the project allows students to develop their skills at the highest level, which will help school graduates on the labour market. An example of this is the creation of aerial photography (using drones) and film forms in the latest technologies, used in widely understood advertising.

The social factor of the project also seems to be important. Students are more motivated to work and study. They work on modern equipment and are interested in new possibilities. They learn interesting content "through playing," as multimedia is also entertainment.

Po kliknięciu na obrazku zostanie otwarte okno modalne z dużą wersją obrazka. Możliwe będzie przeglądanie galerii kolejnych obrazków.
Korzystanie z galerii za pomocą skrótów klawiszowych:
  • Escape: zamyka galerie.
  • Spacja: uruchamia/zatrzymuje automatyczny slaidshow (play/pause).
  • Lewa strzałka: poprzedni slaid.
  • Prawa strzałka: następny slaid.

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