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Fundusze Europejskie dla Śląskiego 2021-2027

Thermal modernization with an exchange of energy source for Primary School no. 1 in Chybie

Before project realization the building of Primary School no. 1 in Chybie was uncoated and energetically inefficient, resulting in increased CO2 emission to the atmosphere. The solution to the problem was comprehensive thermal modernization with an exchange of energy source and mounting of solar installation.

Project title
Limiting low emission through comprehensive thermal modernization with an exchange of energy source for Primary School no.1

Chybie Municipality

Priority axis/ Measure/ Sub-measure
Priority axis: IV. Energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and low-emission economy
Measure: 4.3. Energy efficiency and renewable energy sources in public and residential infrastructure
Sub-measure: 4.3.2. Energy efficiency and renewable energy sources in public and residential infrastructure – RIT

Project value: PLN 2,168,885.30
EU grant value: PLN 1,589,455.58

Why was the project undertaken?

The project concerns limiting the low emission and increasing energy efficiency in Chybie commune through comprehensive thermal modernization with an exchange of energy source (boiler) and mounting of solar systems in Primary School no. 1 in Chybie. Chybie Municipality is successively investing in projects aimed at protecting the natural environment. It is also one of the main activities planned for implementation under the Chybie Municipality Development Strategy for 2015-2025.

What has been achieved?

In 2016, I stage of venture was realized which consisted of a reconstruction of boiler house with an exchange of heat source into the gas one, exchange of central heating installation and solar installation. II stage, realized in 2017, covered insulating external walls, non-usable attic area, insulating vertical anti-moisture insulation of the foundations.

Who uses/benefits from the effects of the project?

The project effects are used by pupils and teachers in Primary School no.1 in Chybie.

What are the main benefits of the project?

In the effect of project realization, an improvement of the air quality occurred through limiting the emission of harmful substances to the atmosphere as well as in the long-term, of the quality of life of the commune inhabitants and the inhabitants of the neighbouring terrains. The project realization contributed also to decreasing exploitation costs and increasing the standard of use of the building by pupils and teachers.

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