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Fundusze Europejskie dla Śląskiego 2021-2027

The Ecological Education Centre in Katowice-Murcki

Contemporary society showed a large deficit of knowledge in the field of communing with nature, and even a kind of ignorance regarding pro-ecological attitudes. Fortunately, this tendency is being gradually reversed, which is due to places such as the J. Iwaszkiewicz School Complex No. 2 in Katowice-Murcki. The school noticed the need to educate its pupils in such a way that children from an early age would deepen their knowledge of nature through direct contact with it. The culmination of the school's activities is the Ecological Education Centre established within its framework, which deals with the promotion of ecology and biodiversity in the city.

Project title
Establishment of the Ecological Education Centre in Katowice-Murcki

The city of Katowice

Priority axis/ Measure/ Sub-measure
Priority axis: V. Environmental protection and efficient use of resources, 
Measure: 5.4. Protection of biodiversity
Sub-measure: 5.4.1. Protection of biodiversity – ITI

Project value: PLN 2,140,023.58
EU grant value: PLN 1,744,987.42

Why was the project undertaken?

The project was undertaken due to the need to popularize knowledge in the field of ecology and to shape pro-ecological attitudes and the need to protect biodiversity in the immediate area and in the region.

The J. Iwaszkiewicz School Complex No. 2 in Katowice-Murcki, in addition to its statutory daily activity, was very involved in pro-ecological tasks - organization of workshops, competitions, cleaning the district, forest and the surrounding area, as well as organization of trainings in the field of expanding knowledge and ecological awareness. It was important because there was no place in Katowice that would promote pro-ecological attitudes among the youngest. The initiative to create the Environmental Education Centre was therefore a natural extension of the school's efforts to spread knowledge about nature. In addition, the purpose of the school and the Centre, which are located on the fringe of the Murckowski Forest (functioning as a reserve), is to preserve the natural features of the area and protect the local biodiversity.

What has been achieved?

The project was based on the adaptation of selected rooms in the school to the needs of the Environmental Education Centre (EEC). Three workshops were created there:

  • computer lab,
  • art workshop,
  • and an audio-visual (conference) room.

The rooms have been equipped with, e.g., a 3D printer, clay kiln and multimedia equipment.

In addition, the following has been created:

  • nature complex at the place of a closed sports field,
  • beech tree nursery, which is a protected species in the nearby Murckowski Forest Reserve,
  • sensory and botanical garden, which can be used, e.g., for the therapy of blind people or people with psychophysical disorders.

In addition, two school rooms were adapted for social rooms for employees of the EEC and the Urban Greenery Institution. The Urban Greenery Institution will take care of the created natural complex.

Who uses/benefits from the effects of the project?

The project will be beneficial primarily for students of the J. Iwaszkiewicz School Complex No. 2 in Katowice-Murcki, who every day take part in classes that allow them to become acquainted with the biodiversity of the surrounding areas.

The Ecological Education Centre in Katowice Murcki conducts its activity based on:

  • workshops,
  • conferences, lectures,
  • showing films on nature and ecology,
  • extracurricular activities (computer science, art, ecology),
  • organization of ecological competitions,
  • the opportunity to visit the sensory and botanical garden.

The beneficiaries of the project's effects include students of other primary and secondary schools from the cities of Katowice, Mysłowice, Tychy and Sosnowiec, as well as children from nursery schools and residents of Katowice.

What are the main benefits of the project?

  • increasing ecological awareness of children, youth, as well as Katowice residents,
  • protection of natural resources of Silesia,
  • development of the Murcki district and the J. Iwaszkiewicz School Complex no 2.
Po kliknięciu na obrazku zostanie otwarte okno modalne z dużą wersją obrazka. Możliwe będzie przeglądanie galerii kolejnych obrazków.
Korzystanie z galerii za pomocą skrótów klawiszowych:
  • Escape: zamyka galerie.
  • Spacja: uruchamia/zatrzymuje automatyczny slaidshow (play/pause).
  • Lewa strzałka: poprzedni slaid.
  • Prawa strzałka: następny slaid.

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