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Fundusze Europejskie dla Śląskiego 2021-2027

Tackling low emissions by the installation of solar collectors and photovoltaic links in Kalety, the forest corner of Silesia

Kalety is a small town combining urban innovation with rural naturalness. The municipality relies primarily on ecology, creating a bee-friendly space, maintaining green areas and numerous bike trails and building the tourist brand. However, it often meets its goals through the use of modern means. Thanks to EU support, Kalety were able to realize one of the biggest projects based on renewable energy sources in our voivodship. As a result, the roofs of numerous buildings were covered in solar panels and photovoltaic cells, significantly contributing to the reduction of emissions of harmful gases and dust, thus contributing to the protection of the environment and of human life, affirming that Kalety indeed deserve their title – the Forest corner of Silesia.

Project title
Tackling low emissions by the installation of solar collectors and photovoltaic links – in Kalety, the forest corner of Silesia

The city of Kalety

Priority axis/ Measure/ Sub-measure
Priority axis: IV. Energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and low-emission economy
Measure: 4.1. Renewable energy sources
Sub-measure: 4.1.1. Renewable Energy Sources – ITI

Project value: PLN 5,915,128.00
EU grant value: PLN 4,578,876.06

Why was the project undertaken?

The project was designed to improve air quality and reduce emissions in the city. Using modern, environment-friendly technology, this will have an impact on the condition of the natural environment, by reducing CO2 emissions and harmful substances.

Many years of industrial activities on the territory of Silesia have adversely affected the condition of its natural environment. The effects of degradation are impossible to reverse without infrastructural investment, related to the production of energy from Renewable Energy Sources (RES). The municipality of Kalety is located within the Silesian agglomeration, in the zone, in which multiple overrun of the standards of harmful substances occurs, such as PM10, PM 2, 3 and Benzo(a)pyran. It is mainly low emissions from individual households that have an impact on the quality of air in the municipality. Unfortunately, it lacks gas network infrastructure, and mainly solid fuels are used for heating. It was important to take action that will reduce the negative impact of pollutants on the environment and human health. The implementation of installations based on RES will affect the final power consumption in the buildings which will translate into reducing emissions of harmful substances.

What has been achieved?

There are 179 solar installations for the preparation of domestic hot water and 210 photovoltaic micro-installations to produce renewable electricity for internal needs of households installed on the roofs and facades of single-family houses and public buildings (such as The Municipal Office and municipal wastewater treatment plant)

The applied technology ensures the safety of performance and appropriate technical durability of the installation. Technology solutions and specifications proposed in the present investment do not affect the interests and property rights of third parties. The choice of technology for the implementation of the hereby project and the applied technical solutions are considered to be optimal due to: cost, scope of work, optimal cost-efficiency in relation to its products and results, the degree of complexity of the operation, local physical-climatic conditions, the material, legal and institutional durability.

Who uses/benefits from the effects of the project?

As a result of the implementation, the social, economic and environmental benefits will be obtained by the following receivers/beneficiaries of the project:

– residents of the city,
– the beneficiary,
– the environment.

What are the main benefits of the project?

The main benefit is the protection of the environment, in particular, the improvement of air purity through the reduction of low emission. Mounted installations are used for domestic hot water production from renewable sources.

Benefits for the residents:

– reduction of CO2 emission by over 562 t/year,
– reduction of PM10 dust emission by over 9 t/year,
– air quality enhancement,
– reducing energy consumption in the municipality,
– an increase of environmental awareness and to propagate the idea of RES,
– awareness of being "eco" and taking care of the environment,
– an improvement of the functionality and quality of life of the inhabitants.

Benefits for the beneficiary:

– possibility to implement large-scale investment,
– reduction of operating costs of residential buildings,
– reduction of the cost of the operation of the Municipal Office Kalety and the cost of wastewater treatment,
– reduction of pollutant emissions in the municipality,
– increase of the value of the assets of the municipality.

Benefits for the environment:

– reduction of energy demand,
– a reduction of CO2 emissions, dust, NOx, sulphur oxides and carbon,
– avoidance of the combustion of fossil fuels during the summer.

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