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Fundusze Europejskie dla Śląskiego 2021-2027

Sustainable Urban Transport in Bielsko-Biała

On November 1, 2015, the bus fleet in Bielsko-Biała included 125 vehicles, 16 of which did not meet any emission standard, and as many as 2/3 of the entire fleet were vehicles that were classified as significantly reducing air quality and raising noise levels in the city. In addition, the average age of the bus fleet was over 12 years, and the mileage of about 50 buses exceeded 1 million kilometres. Three years later, thanks to the support from European Funds, Bielsko-Biała gained an Intelligent Transport System supported by 50 modern low-emission buses, which significantly reduced the level of exhaust emissions by public means of transport, as well as increased comfort and safety of travel.

Project title
Development of Sustainable Urban Transport in Bielsko-Biała

The city of Bielsko-Biała

Priority axis/ Measure/ Sub-measure
Priority axis: IV. Energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and low carbon economy
Measure: 4.5 Low-carbon urban transport and efficient lighting
Sub-measure: 4.5.2 Low-carbon urban transport and efficient lighting – RTI

Project value: PLN 82,905,472.00
EU grant value: PLN 59,170,418.84

Why was the project undertaken?

The main reason for implementing the project was the low attractiveness of public transport in Bielsko-Biała. The city carrier had outdated, high-floor buses with a high degree of failure rate. In addition, the fleet did not meet EURO emission standards or only met the least stringent requirements. It became necessary to replace the old fleet with modern buses of the following qualities:

  • low floor,
  • adapted to the needs of people with disabilities, the elderly and young children,
  • environmentally friendly, i.e. meeting the current EU requirements regarding exhaust emissions (EURO 6),
  • with full vehicle air conditioning and monitoring.

There was also a need to increase the efficiency of public and individual transport by reducing vehicle travel time - this was possible due to the implementation of solutions under the Intelligent Transport System (ITS) covering 18 key traffic lights (at intersections and pedestrian crossings). The main purpose of the investment was to improve road traffic conditions, with particular emphasis on public transport.

The assumed effect of the project was also an increase in the comfort of city residents through the implementation of passenger information (electronic boards at bus stops, LCD monitors in vehicles, mobile application, website) and distribution of traffic data.

The project was also aimed at improving the level of safety in the city, which resulted in the introduction of internal and external monitoring on buses, monitoring of intersections and bus stops, as well as ensuring conditions enabling quick assistance in emergencies.

What has been achieved?

The project consisted of two components:

  • fleet - purchase of a modern bus fleet (implemented by the Municipal Transport Company in Bielsko-Biała)
  • ITS solutions - creation of an Intelligent Transport System, enabling the improvement of quality and safety of road traffic (implemented by the Municipal Road Authority in Bielsko-Biała).

The material effects of the project include:

  • purchase of 50 low-emission buses;
  • 18 modernized traffic lights at intersections and pedestrian crossings;
  • creation of a Traffic Management Centre where it is possible to monitor, control and manage traffic;
  • 22 dynamic passenger information boards at bus stops;
  • information system for drivers and passengers (internet portals, mobile application);
  • equipping the owned bus fleet with auto-computers, displays, GPSs and other equipment necessary for cooperation with the new, intelligent system;
  • launching 3 internet portals:, rozkł and

Who uses/benefits from the effects of the project?

All urban road users - both public and individual transport drivers, as well as pedestrians.

The police, municipal police, Municipal Transport Company and Municipal Road Authority will benefit from the possibility of monitoring threats and safety on the roads and in public transport.

All inhabitants of Bielsko-Biała - replacing the old fleet with low-emission buses and improving traffic flow will result in the lower level of emissions into the atmosphere, which will improve the condition of the natural environment, as well as the quality of health and life of the city's residents.

What are the main benefits of the project?

  • shortening the travel time of public transport buses and individual transport;
  • increasing the capacity of the road system covered by the project;
  • increasing the smoothness and safety of travels, due to the quick reaction of operators and dispatchers, also in the event of emergencies;
  • modernization of the city bus fleet;
  • improving the environment by reducing air pollution from the transport sector;
  • improving the quality of local and regional transport services;
  • improving the efficiency and reliability of the city's transport system;
  • improving the comfort of traveling for passengers and drivers' traffic conditions, as well as the functioning of public transport in terms of travel efficiency and economics of its maintenance.

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