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Fundusze Europejskie dla Śląskiego 2021-2027

Social flats in an old worker's hostel building in Koniecpol

In the area of Koniecpol commune, located in the Częstochowa poviat, a phenomenon of threat of social exclusion was observed, especially as a result of poverty and unemployment. Persons at risk of exclusion have a constricted access to social services – they cannot afford to buy or rent accommodation at a proper standard. The situation causes a demand for social flats which until recently in Koniecpol were not accessible at all – at that time up to 12 families awaited the allocation of social flats was. But the commune found a way to solve the situation through revitalisation of wastelands.

Project title
Transformation of a hotel building into social flats in Koniecpol, Tarchalskiego 2 Street

Koniecpol Municipality

Priority axis/ Measure/ Sub-measure
Priority axis: X. Revitalization and social and health infrastructure
Measure: 10.2. Development of the social, assisted and protected housing industry and infrastructure of social services
Sub-measure: 10.2.2. Development of the social, assisted and protected housing industry and infrastructure of social services – RIT

Project value: PLN 539,975.10
EU grant value: PLN 458,978.83

Why was the project undertaken?

The commune had a degraded building of a worker’s hostel at its disposal, but it did not have any social flats in its resources, which restricted working with persons with hard life circumstances to a significant degree.

In the area of the commune there was also no infrastructure for providing social services for persons living on the revitalised area, diagnosed in the Local Programme of Revitalisation of the City and Commune of Koniecpol for the years 2017-2023.

What has been achieved?

As a result of the revitalisation of the investment, the commune finally has 9 social flats, including 6 for families and 3 for single persons and a dedicated room for providing social services at its disposal.

The scope of the tasks involved:

  • Conduct of new connection of sanitary sewage system to the city system,
  • Demolition of part of partition walls and making of new ones,
  • Demolition of floors and making new ones along with performing a damp proofing and heat insulation,
  • Disassembly of the old plumbing and wiring and making new ones, including hot-water installation and central heating system installation,
  • Replacement of interior and exterior doors,
  • Finishing works,
  • Making a new external stairs with a wheelchair ramp.

Who uses/benefits from the effects of the project?

In the revitalised building a comprehensive assistance for persons being in a hard living situation will be provided, consisting of ensuring accommodation and, at the same time, facilitating obtaining by a family of

Once the investment task has finished the realisation of additional social project starts, for which the commune also managed to obtain financing within the framework of sub-measure: 9.1.2. Strengthening of the social-occupational potential of the local society – RIT Regional Operational Programme of the Silesian Voivodeship for the years 2014-2020, the goal of which is to strengthen the social and occupational activity of people in danger of exclusion.

What are the main benefits of the project?

So far the commune did not maintain any social flats. This type of infrastructure was very much in need in Koniecpol. Persons with problems obtained  only the social service and there was noa possibility of providing those in the biggest need with decent life conditions or appropriate accommodation. The social project launched after the carried-out  reconstruction will facilitate provision of assistance  in a more comprehensive way, so these persons are not left alone. Avery beneficial formula of the social project was adopted for the participants project which begins with the training of the real-life abilities with coaches in order to enhance motivation of the persons and to diagnose the right needs. Afterwards, individual professional and psychological guidance is planned, helping with the choice or change of profession. The project will end with trainings and courses improving occupational qualifications and skills. The project was construed in such a way that every participant could chose an appropriate for them course or training independently. An effect of the project will be the return to normal life.

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