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Fundusze Europejskie dla Śląskiego 2021-2027

Social Economy Support Centre of the Western Subregion

The project aims to increase the potential of the social economy and enhance the employment chances of persons excluded and in danger of social exclusion in the Western Subregion of the Silesian Voivodeship. The Social Economy Support Centre provides animation and support services and facilities development of new social enterprises and the functioning of these already existing.

Project title
Social Economy Support Centre of the Western Subregion

Social Initiative Development Centre CRIS

Priority axis/ Measure/ Sub-measure
Priority axis: IX. Social inclusion
Measure: 9.3. Development of social economy in the region
Sub-measure: 9.3.1. Support for the social economy sector – competition projects

Project value: PLN 5,570,560.00
EU grant value: PLN 4,734,976.00

Why was the project undertaken?

The project was developed to support persons in danger of poverty and social exclusion and create for them solid and good quality workplaces in the social economy sector.

What has been achieved?

Until now within the framework of the project, the following actions were realised:

  • 394 meetings of the key counselling;
  • 435 meetings of the business counselling;
  • 1057 hours of specialistic counselling (juristic, accountant, marketing, personal);
  • 292 animation meetings;
  • 601 informational meeting on the subject of the social economy;
  • 73 days of training;
  • 63 employment trainings;
  • 7 studio visits for entities from the sector of social economy;
  • 4 Festivals of Non-governmental Organizations;
  • 22 packages for the development of social economy sector entities;
  • 9 articles and 4 promotional films on  the subject of entities from the sector of social economy in the region.

Who uses/benefits from the effects of the project?

So far 600 people (including 306 persons in danger of  poverty or social exclusion) and 150 entities of the social economy sector benefited from the project. The target groups of the project constitute:

  • Persons in danger of poverty or social exclusion,
  • Entities from the social economy sector and their employees,
  • Employees of the public financial sector units,
  • Social and economic partners, including businessmen from the Western Subregion of the Silesian Voivodeship.

What are the main benefits of the project?

  • 24 initiative groups elaborated the assumptions for the creation of an entity of the social economy;
  • 10 communities entered into cooperative realisation of an enterprise, aimed at developing the social economy;
  • 8 non-governmental organizations conducting economic activity or providing paid services of public benefit were launched;
  • 72 workplaces were created in the social economy sector for persons in danger of  poverty or social exclusion.

We change Silesia together
We change Silesia together
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