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Fundusze Europejskie dla Śląskiego 2021-2027

In 2015 the Kłobuck commune was inhibited by approx. 540 children up to 2 years of age and over 1000 children of 4 years of age. Unfortunately, at the same time, the commune did not have at its disposal a single nursery, after the last institution of this type had been closed in 2013 on account of not-meeting norms and conditions for centres of childcare. This situation also affected parents who could not find proper care for their children, which frequently made it difficult for them to return to the labour market. However, in 2018 thanks to the support from European Funds, day-care is once again functioning in Kłobuck.

Project title
Parent-friendly Kłobuck

Municipality of Kłobuck

Priority axis/ Measure/ Sub-measure
Priority axis: VIII. Regional staff of knowledge-based economy
Measure: 8.1. Promoting the development of conditions for combining working and private life
Sub-measure: 8.1.3. Providing access to care services to children up to 3 years of age

Project value: PLN 527,768.20
EU grant value: PLN 448,602.97

Why was the project undertaken?

The project was aimed at solving two issues. The first one was the lack of day care in the area Kłobuck commune, due to which, working parents had a problem with finding care for their children. The second one was increasing of the possibility of the return to the labour market for unemployed individuals (women and men) who usually take care of children up to 3 years of age. Opening a nursery in the commune was aimed at, among others, making it easier for the unemployed parents to find themselves on the labour market, and in the broader perspective, stopping the problem of unemployment and the lack of professional activity on the local scale.

What has been achieved?

  • adaptational work of the rooms in Primary School No. 1 in Kłobuck were performed for the purposes of the Communal Day-care,
  • equipment essential for the proper functioning of the facility was purchase day-care staff was employed,
  • 12 children were accepted,
  • cleaning products essential for keeping cleanliness in the building and hygiene of children were purchased.

Who uses/benefits from the effects of the project?

  • 12 children - accepted to day-care,
  • individuals finding work after a break associated with birth of a child or/and raising children up to 3 years of age
  • employed individuals, raising children up to 3 years of age,
  • individuals who are out of the labour market on account of the need to take care of their children who are up to 3 years of age.

What are the main benefits of the project?

Creating an institution of care for children up to 3 years of age and enabling parents to maintain both their private and working life through the possibility of leaving their children at day-care.

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