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Fundusze Europejskie dla Śląskiego 2021-2027

Nursing-educational facility in Waleńczów

So far the foster care tasks in Kłobuck region were implemented by only two 24-hour facilities, one of which (the orphanage in Kłobuck) exceeded the number defined in the act – by 14 spots for  pupils. After examining the needs and possibilities, it was decided to meet the requirements for the optimal number of places through the creation of new, smaller facilities. For this purpose, the building of the former School in Waleńczów was adapted, where soon up to 14 children will find their safe haven there.

Project title
Adaptation of the building left after school in Waleńczów for a 24-hour nursing-educational facility suitable for up to 14 children

The district of Kłobuck

Priority axis/ Measure/ Sub-measure
Priority axis: X. Revitalization and social and health infrastructure
Measure: 10.2. Development of social, assisted and sheltered housing and social services infrastructure
Sub-measure: 10.2.1. Development of social, assisted and sheltered housing and social services infrastructure – support of activities resulting from the Local Development Strategies covering the rural and fishing areas

Project value: PLN 643,503.24
EU grant value: PLN 546,977.75

Why was the project undertaken?

Due to the law on family support and alternative care system, the standards for nursing-educational facilities specified in it regarding the number of places for children recommend moving away from the standards of orphanages. Currently, the creation of care institutions in the form of a so-called family apartment, providing an intimate environment for the effective work of educators with children is promoted. This form provides space for maximally 14 pupils.

What has been achieved?

The full range of adaptation works involving construction, electrical and sanitary works, in particular concerning changes to the destination of the object. In the building, among other rooms, a kitchen and dining area, children's rooms, guardians’ rooms, therapeutic room, lounge, laundry and drying room and a bathroom on the ground floor and first floor were distinguished. The entrance and ground floor of the building was customized to the needs of people with disabilities through the construction of a driveway. However, the bathroom on the ground floor is equipped with the appropriate handles. 

In addition, all rooms of the facility have been re-fitted in functional furniture and the necessary equipment and household appliances were purchased.

Who uses/benefits from the effects of the project?

14 children will take up residence in the newly formed nursing-education facility in Waleńczów.

What are the main benefits of the project?

Creation of a place in the form of a family apartment:

  • provides comprehensive growth for children requiring special care or who have difficulty in adapting to life in a family,
  • creates conditions of upbringing similar to the functioning of a large family,
  • improves the working conditions of personnel and of the living conditions of children.
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