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Fundusze Europejskie dla Śląskiego 2021-2027

New rescue and fire-fighting truck for Częstochowa-Gnaszyn Volunteer Fire Department

VFD (Volunteer Fire Department) Gnaszyn is on the second place in terms of the number of emergency departures in the area of the city and district of Częstochowa (statistics from 2015). Despite systematic actions undertaken by the city, local units of TSO are still struggling with many problems mainly connected with the state of equipment, and the  finances at disposal make it difficult to meet all needs. The main issue, which requires urgent intervention  is poor condition of fire trucks used by the units from the area of the commune. Thanks to the support from European Funds, a new vehicle was obtained, among others, by the unit of Volunteer Fire Department of Częstochowa-Gnaszyn.

Project title
Strengthening the potential of emergency services in Częstochowa

The Municipality of Częstochowa City

Priority axis/ Measure/ Sub-measure
Priority axis: V. Protection of the environment and the effective use of resources
Measure: 5.5. Strengthening the potential of emergency services
Sub-measure: none

Project value: PLN 800,000.00
EU grant value: PLN 630,000.00

Why was the project undertaken?

The project was a reply to an urgent need - poor condition of the end-of-life fire trucks used by the units of the Gnaszyn Volunteer Fire Department (VFD Gnaszyn is on the second place in terms of emergency departures on the area of the city and the district).

The purpose was to better equip the unit, increasing its mobility and the speed of its rescue-firefighting actions. In the broader perspective, the purpose is to protect the citizens, their estates and natural resources from disasters, such as floods and fires, as well as the effects of climate changes.

What has been achieved?

In the framework of the project unit of the Volunteer Fire Department in Częstochowa-Gnaszyn, gained the average-sized, special fire truck of the rescue-firefighting type on the chassis with the 4x4 drive.

Who uses/benefits from the effects of the project?

The main beneficiary of the project is the unit of Volunteer Fire Department in Częstochowa-Gnaszyn. However, in the broader perspective project implementation will bring benefits to all the citizens of Częstochowa as they will be able to feel safer, more aware, that VFD in Częstochowa-Gnaszyn is properly equipped.

What are the main benefits of the project?

Among the main benefits of the project one can name:

  • improved equipping of the VFD,
  • making the VFD fleet of vehicles look newer,
  • making VFD more professional,
  • improvement in the safety of residents:
    • the number of people benefitting from the anti-flood equipment – 350 000 residents (residents of Częstochowa and the Częstochowa district),
    • the number of people benefitting from anti-forest-fires equipment – 110 000 residents (regarding the residents of Częstochowa city quarters, where woods are frequently occurring, i.e. Błeszno, Północ, Mirów and of the Częstochowa district).
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