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Fundusze Europejskie dla Śląskiego 2021-2027

In the Bieruń commune, the prevalence of pre-school education was not very high, but every year the level of interest of residents increased, despite the poor infrastructure of Nursery School No. 2, which due to the poor technical condition of the building could no longer function in this form. Finally, it was decided to build a nursery school from scratch in a new place - safe and friendly for both children and their parents.

Project title
Increased dissemination of pre-school education through the construction of Nursery School No. 3 at ul. Bociania in Bieruń

The city of Bieruń

Priority axis/ Measure/ Sub-measure
Priority axis: XII. Educational infrastructure
Measure: 12.1. Pre-school education infrastructure
Sub-measure: 12.1.1 Pre-school education infrastructure – ITI

Project value: PLN 7,331,198.47
EU grant value: PLN 1,899,658.43

Why was the project undertaken?

The decision about the need to build a new nursery school building was made after conducting an expertise of the building located at ul. Warszawska 292, where Nursery school No. 2 was previously located. The poor technical condition, the lack of technological possibilities for renovation and extension, and the lack of economic justification for such activities meant that the only possible option to improve the conditions for conducting classes was the construction of a new facility. 

Another argument for the need to build a new nursery school was the fact that the existing building, located at ul. Warszawska 292, was not adapted to the needs of disabled children. What is more, the facility was located just off the DK44 road, which resulted in loud noise (which made it impossible to open the windows) and air pollution in the immediate vicinity of the nursery school.

What has been achieved?

Due to the project, Nursery School No. 2 in Bieruń was relocated to a newly built facility at ul. Bociania 1. The change of location meant that the kindergarten is placed far from the main national road No. 44, but it is still located in the centre of Bieruń Nowy - at a street with low traffic.

Classes take place in a modern, one-storey building with an area of approximately 1,400 m2, constructed specifically for the needs of the nursery school. The facility meets all building, sanitary and fire protection standards as provided for by law. In addition, the new nursery school is completely adapted to the needs of people with disabilities, so that children do not have to use stairs or elevators.

The nursery school's rooms are high, spacious, safe, colourful, modern style equipped and adapted to different age groups. The rooms have air-conditioning. Furniture, toys and teaching aids have appropriate certificates. The height of the chairs and tables is adapted to the height of the children. Each room has an independent sanitary unit and hand-held equipment warehouse. Children do not sleep in rooms where they play but in special sleeping rooms. The advantage of the nursery school is a large gym and entertainment hall, equipped with the necessary equipment for everyday general gymnastics classes. The nursery school also has its own kitchen equipped with professional cooking equipment, and meals are consumed in a spacious, air-conditioned dining room. Moreover, the nursery school also has a very well and modernly arranged room for therapeutic activities.

The facility is protected by a modern entrance door security system and an extensive camera system that monitors the building's interior and surroundings around the clock.

In the immediate vicinity of the facility, two new playgrounds were constructed, equipped with play and fitness sets covered with a safe, synthetic surface.

For the convenience of parents, the nursery school has its own parking lot and numerous parking spaces along the street.

Who uses/benefits from the effects of the project?

The main beneficiaries of the project are preschool children (including disabled children) and their parents.

In the interest of children and their parents, the opening time of the nursery school is very flexible. It is open from Monday to Friday, from 5:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

What are the main benefits of the project?

  • a modern kindergarten adapted to the needs of disabled children,
  • increase in the level of safety of preschool children:
    - location of the nursery school building away from the main road No. 44,
    - security system and monitoring cameras,
  • increased interest of the city's residents in pre-school services,
  • providing support to young parents in caring for children and enabling them to return to the labour market faster.
Po kliknięciu na obrazku zostanie otwarte okno modalne z dużą wersją obrazka. Możliwe będzie przeglądanie galerii kolejnych obrazków.
Korzystanie z galerii za pomocą skrótów klawiszowych:
  • Escape: zamyka galerie.
  • Spacja: uruchamia/zatrzymuje automatyczny slaidshow (play/pause).
  • Lewa strzałka: poprzedni slaid.
  • Prawa strzałka: następny slaid.

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