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Fundusze Europejskie dla Śląskiego 2021-2027

Modern technologies in the service of the company from Zabrze

The Bud-Expert company, specializing in laser processing of metallurgical products, has undertaken a project co-financed from European Funds to improve its competitiveness on the market. The company has gained an advantage over direct rivals from the industry thanks to investments in modern and innovative technologies that significantly expand the range of services provided by the company. The unique method of cutting metal sheets with a high-pressure water jet enables the beneficiary to carry out orders in an economical, flexible, extremely precise and waste-free manner.

Project title
Implementation of advanced technologies in the field of sheet metal cutting based on a laser cut-out and water cutting machine

BUD-EXPERT Sp.z o.o.

Priority axis/ Measure/ Sub-measure
Priority axis: III. SMEs competitiveness
Measure: 3.2. Innovation in SMEs
Sub-measure: none

Project value: PLN 4,150,696.50
EU grant value: PLN 1,518,546.00

Why was the project undertaken?

The project was implemented to meet the expectations of a dynamically developing market. It was assumed that the modernization of the machine park and implementation of the latest laser cutting and water jet cutting technologies will increase the competitive advantage and, as a consequence, improve the company's financial results and its development.

What has been achieved?

A laser cutter and water jet cutting machine were purchased - technologically advanced machines with a very high degree of precision and efficiency.

Who uses/benefits from the effects of the project?

The effects of the project are used by the company and its employees, as well as all the company's clients, which provides services for many industries, including:

  • automotive industry,
  • heavy industry,
  • furniture industry,
  • household appliances industry,
  • defence industry,
  • agricultural machinery industry,
  • energy industry,
  • construction industry,
  • electrical industry,
  • medical industry.

What are the main benefits of the project?

The implementation of the project enabled the creation of a modern laser and water cutting centre. Due to the diversification of the assortment and improvement of the quality of services provided and shortening project implementation deadlines - which was possible thanks to the increase in machine efficiency, Bud-Expert is able to comprehensively meet the needs of its customers.

The increase in the level of customer satisfaction and the strengthening of market position directly affect the effectiveness of the company's operations and its financial result.

In addition, equipping the machine park with machines with a significant degree of energy efficiency resulted in a reduction in the share of electricity costs in the total cost of production. Optimization of production processes also improved and facilitated the work of machine operators.

It was also observed that as a result of the project implementation, the use of other machinery and equipment owned by the enterprise has increased.

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