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Fundusze Europejskie dla Śląskiego 2021-2027

Modern equipment and high quality teaching conditions in the School Complex No. 1 in Kłobuck

The school building and workshops comprising the School Complex No. 1 in Kłobuck were opened for use in 1970. The majority of equipment of the workshops originated from the 60s and the 70s (conventional equipment), whilst equipment of the CNC studio from  2006 (CNC machine tools) and from the following years (computer systems and software). CNC studios didn't also meet the quality standards in the building, electric and installation scopes. For this reason, the project implementation was carried out, which was designated to increase the educational potential of the School Complex No. 1 in Kłobuck, through the modernization of the complex of CNC studios, constituting the didactic base of school workshops.

Project title
Strengthening the educational potential of the Kłobucki Poviat through modernization of the CNC studio complex in the School Complex No. 1 in Kłobuck

District of Kłobuck

Priority axis/ Measure/ Sub-measure
Priority axis: XII. Educational infrastructure
Measure: 12.2. Infrastructure of the vocational training
Sub-measure: 12.2.2. Infrastructure of the vocational training – RTI

Project value: PLN 2,774,475.41
EU grant value: PLN 2,358,304.10

Why was the project undertaken?

In order to increase attractiveness of the educational offer of the School Complex No. 1 in Kłobuck, through modernization of the CNC studio complex and improving qualifications of the graduates in the field of operating modern numerically controlled CNC machines.

What has been achieved?

Renovation works were carried out in order to adapt the studio to modern machines and to create appropriate environment for teaching. Next,  CNC, programming and 2D/3D design/modelling studios were additionally provided with modern equipment, which among others constituted:

  • CNC machine tools (lathe and milling machine),
  • conventional machine tools,
  • servers,
  • computer systems and notebooks for 2D/ 3D designing and for programming the CNC machine tools,
  • multimedia sets,
  • 3D printers,
  • multifunctional devices,
  • plotters etc.

Who uses/benefits from the effects of the project?

The teaching staff and pupils from the CNC classes of the School Complex No. 1 in Kłobuck, will be the beneficiaries of the project.

What are the main benefits of the project?

Modern machinery park and qualified graduates meeting the expectations of the labour market in the area of programming numerically controlled CNC machines. Additionally, Haas company, the leading producer of CNC machines, took a free-of-charge patronage over the studios, forming the Centre of HAAS Technical Education in the School Complex No. 1 in Kłobuck.

Po kliknięciu na obrazku zostanie otwarte okno modalne z dużą wersją obrazka. Możliwe będzie przeglądanie galerii kolejnych obrazków.
Korzystanie z galerii za pomocą skrótów klawiszowych:
  • Escape: zamyka galerie.
  • Spacja: uruchamia/zatrzymuje automatyczny slaidshow (play/pause).
  • Lewa strzałka: poprzedni slaid.
  • Prawa strzałka: następny slaid.

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