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Fundusze Europejskie dla Śląskiego 2021-2027

Managing of riverbanks of the Koszarawa River

Within the areas located along the right riverbank of Koszarawa and further long the right bank of Soła and the Żywieckie Lake one may encounter precious natural habitats of protected species. This area was however strongly exploited which caused a growing degradation of its natural values. Degradation of the environment was also impacted by the acts of vandalism which might have occurred due to low ecological awareness of the inhabitants. The city of Żywiec, with assistance of the European Funds, undertook realization of the project the effect of which was to be the protection of areas against further degradation, managing the neglected area and efficient ecological education of the local inhabitants.

Project title
Managing of riverbanks of the Koszarawa River in the section from a railway bridge to the Trzebiński bridge along with the adjoining areas along Soła and the Żywieckie Lake

City of Żywiec

Priority axis/ Measure/ Sub-measure
Priority axis: V. Protection of the environment and the effective use of resources
Measure: 5.4. Biodiversity protection
Sub-measure: 5.4.3. Biodiversity protection – non-competition mode

Project value: PLN 4,247,880.00
EU grant value: PLN 3,597,762.90

Why was the project undertaken?

Naturally precious areas of the valley of Koszarawa river, Soła and the Żywieckie Lake were strongly neglected areas, which was partly caused by an unorderly tourism, leading to the occurrence of landfills within the area of the valley. Such a situation worsened the condition of legally protected fauna and flora habitants located in this area. In the effort to solve this problem, the city of Żywiec commenced project realization.

What has been achieved?

In the framework of the project approx. 7 kilometres of didactic-natural paths were created, running along Koszarawa, Soła and the Żywieckie Lake on route of which educational boards with Braille’s overlays were mounted. A number of works in the scope of environment protection were also carried out, the purpose of which was protection and restoring of state of natural habitats and fighting invasive species. Furthermore, Municipal Ecology Centre in Żywiec was launched and equipped  in multimedia devices, audio-visual equipment, furniture and didactic aids. A cycle of nature-discovering and movement classes on a didactic path in which 1,520 persons participated. An internet website of the project was also created. At present, the city is in the course of realizing the final tasks:

  • media campaign with regional reach, promoting the project
  • guidebook concerning healthy rest on the didactic path in Żywiec,
  • mobile application based on guidebook content.

Who uses/benefits from the effects of the project?

The project was catered for different age groups. Our actions  were participated by seniors, adults in working age, youth, children and kindergarteners, as well as disabled persons from the area of the city Żywiec and its neighbourhood. The path is highly popular among the locals and tourists. It is keenly used by sport lovers, afternoon walkers and entire families.

What are the main benefits of the project?

The path was created in order to enable the locals and tourists to use of the local biodiversity values in a safe manner for the fauna and flora. The process of biodeterioration of the naturally valuable riverside areas was stalled. City Ecologic Centre  was launched which functions in the interest of preservation of the project effects and conduces to enhancement of the ecological consciousness of the inhabitants of the city of Żywiec.

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