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Fundusze Europejskie dla Śląskiego 2021-2027

Katowice – open city to the needs of people with disabilities

The project constitutes a good example of mutually complementing actions of European Regional Development Fund and the European Social Fund. Katowice chose two strategic aims - counteracting social exclusion through the activation and improvement of the image of the city centre, through architectural revitalization of degraded buildings. The authorities  of the city made a decision to allocate one of such objects as a place of supporting individuals with disabilities. This decision caused, that today disabled individuals have a nicely restored building at their disposal, where they can be involved in therapy and rehabilitation classes, thanks to which they are becoming an active part of the local community.

Project title
Katowice, open city – investment actions – adaptation to the needs of organizing public and environmental services for disabled individuals in the building at Francuska Street 43

City of Katowice

Priority axis/ Measure/ Sub-measure
Priority axis: X. Revitalization and social and health infrastructure
Measure: 10.2. Development of the social, assisted and protected housing industry and infrastructures of the public services
Sub-measure: 10.2.1. Development of the social, assisted and protected housing industry and infrastructures of public services - ITI

Project value: PLN 6,482,129.49
EU grant value: PLN 5,401,072.22

Why was the project undertaken?

The project implementation was motivated by a deficit identified in Katowice, in access to institutions of public services dedicated to disabled individuals, including individuals with mental disability. Moreover, insufficient quality of the infrastructure and impediments accompanying it in the possible realization translated into marginalisation of disabled persons in the social and economic life of the city.

Creating the Centre of Social Services (CUS) in Katowice which would offer support of the specialists for individuals with disabilities was a solution to aforementioned problems. For this purpose, a building was selected by us which is located at Francuska Street 43 in Katowice.

The newly established Centre will affect the improvement of the social and working situation of individuals threatened with social exclusion. Additionally, revitalization of the object on Francuska Street contributed to architectural transformation of this part of the city and the improvement of image of the city centre of Katowice.

What has been achieved?

A major renovation of the building and adjacent backyard was conducted on Francuska Street 43. The object was adjusted to the needs of disabled individuals, and then equipped with furniture, computer hardware and special software for work with disabled individuals including, among others:

  • programs for the supporting communication therapy and alternative methods of communication (i.e. Mówik, Super Talker, Go Talk 20),
  • therapeutic tools helping with the rehabilitation of individuals with cognitive disorders (i.e. Tomatis' method, Warnke's method, Biofeedback).

In the newly created Centre of Public Services individuals with disabilities can use the rehabilitation room, the room of experiencing the world and the room of sensorial integration. Rehabilitation room is equipped with special equipment consisting of, among others:

  • rehabilitation running track and elliptical trainer,
  • static standing framer,
  • electric rotor with biofeedback for exercises of upper and bottom limbs,
  • multifunctional apparatus for physiotherapy,
  • path and stairs for learning to walk.

The purchased equipment allows for conducting specialist socializing classes and individual classes with psychologist, teacher, speech therapist, psychotherapist and with physiotherapist.

Who uses/benefits from the effects of the project?

Disabled individuals who are 16 years old and more, have a disability statement and live in Katowice, can benefit from this project. An offer was also prepared for parents/carers and people close to disabled individuals, among others a support group and local animation group.

What are the main benefits of the project?

Intending the building for the Centre of Public Services allowed for organizing special services for individuals with disabilities, among others:

  • of the short-term daily stay for adult individuals with autism,
  • of short-term daily stay for low-functioning disabled individuals.

Using the support offered under short-term daily stays allows for providing relaxation care for their parents and carers and is becoming part of a concept of "short break!". In the framework of accompanying measures, the room for rehabilitation intended for individuals with disabilities was made available and equipped with specialist equipment.

Moreover, yet another project of European Union "Katowice An Open City - organising the local community" is carried out in the building. Co-financed from European Funds, it is aimed at providing services of active integration of social, educational, health and professional character.

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