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Fundusze Europejskie dla Śląskiego 2021-2027

Energy from renewable energy sources in Łodygowice

The project will allow to obtain savings on account of purchase and delivery of electricity in line with the principles of sustainable development and natural heritage. The project will enable generating electricity from renewable energy sources (RES) in order to cover the needs of maintaining objects which are the property of Eco Team Service-communal partnership with 100% share in the commune of Łodygowice.

Project title
Energy from renewable energy sources for ETS

Eco Team Service limited liability company with headquarters in Łodygowice

Priority axis/ Measure/ Sub-measure
Priority axis: IV. Energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and low-emission economy
Measure: 4.1. Renewable energy sources
Sub-measure: 4.1.2. Renewable Energy Sources – RIT

Project value: PLN 1,641,455.42
EU grant value: PLN 1,043,705.58

Why was the project undertaken?

The project will allow to obtain savings on account of purchase and delivery of electricity in line with the principles of sustainable development and natural heritage. The project will enable generating electricity from renewable energy sources (RES) in order to cover the needs of maintaining objects which are the property of Eco Team Service-communal partnership with 100% share in the commune of Łodygowice. The Company provides tasks in the scope off fulfilling public needs, that is purifying and delivering water, maintaining communal buildings, receiving and managing communal waste, ongoing maintenance of communal roads.  Through realizing its tasks the company strives to offer the lowest possible prices for the inhabitants. One of the basic goods it provides is water. Over 20% of costs of provision of water is represented by electricity. The use of supply of energy from renewable energy sources was supposed to allow for stabilizing in the long-term of costs per 1 m3 of water and becoming independent from external prices of energy suppliers.

Project realization is targeted at: Decreasing the costs related to the purchase of electricity from external sources; limiting the emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere; promoting renewable energy sources among the inhabitants.

What has been achieved?

As a result of project realization the following was completed:

  • 9 photo-voltaic micro-installations designated towards supplying buildings constituting Company property with electricity (pumping of water, water purification stations, health centres, integration centre);
  • 10 solar-wind lamps.

Who uses/benefits from the effects of the project?

The project effects are used, above all, by the company and its clients, that is the entire commune of Łodygowice, which encompasses over 14 thousand inhabitants. Lowering of electricity costs incurred by the company is a guarantee of fixed prices for drinking water for the inhabitants. 

What are the main benefits of the project?

  • improvement of state of environment through decreasing the emission of pollution to the air which normally appear in the course of production of energy from conventional sources;
  • development of company and Łodygowice commune while respecting the rules of sustainable growth, respecting natural heritage through implementing savings in electricity system of the commune;
  • promoting renewable energy sources among the commune inhabitants;
  • decreasing the costs and saving electricity coming from conventional sources.
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