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Fundusze Europejskie dla Śląskiego 2021-2027

Efficient street lighting in Katowice

Support from European Funds in almost 15 million PLN has contributed to Katowice being able to replace the ineffective street illumination with energy-efficient LED lamps. Realization of this project considerably reduces the power consumption which directly translates to savings in the city's budget. The LED illumination is improving the visibility on roads and pavements which  positively affects safety of all road users. The project also helps to limit the so-called phenomenon of "light pollutant", which is present in firmly urbanised areas and which negatively influences both the flora and fauna, as well as human health. Thanks to such solutions as making the hour of turning the lighting on and off dependant on sunrise and sunset, as well as making the intensity of traffic influence the intensity of night lights – Katowice is proving that it is a city, which is investing in ecological solutions not only in the area of public transport and improvements of the air quality, but also in the scope of efficient illumination.

Project title
Energy efficiency, renewable energy sources, the increase in the quality of life and safety of public spaces in regard to lighting dangerous and neuralgic areas in  Katowice in the scope of assembling LED casings and the light control system, as well as intelligent integration

City of Katowice

Priority axis/ Measure/ Sub-measure
Priority axis: IV. Energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and low-emission economy
Measure: 4.5 Low-emission traction and efficient illumination
Sub-measure: 4.5.1 Low-emission traction and efficient illumination – ITI

Project value: PLN 17,595,964.29
EU grant value: PLN 14,956,569.64

Why was the project undertaken?

The main goal of the project is to reduce the environmental pollution through assembling effective energy streetlights and significantly reducing the demand for electric energy, as well as  operating and maintenance costs of lamps. Realization of the project will also allow for a more effective power management through the possibility of adjusting illuminations to a given place.

What has been achieved?

Modernization works consisting in the exchange of the exhausted and old light covers, made of sodium, which consumed great amounts of energy into LED covers.

Additionally, as part of the project, a system for controlling lights and intelligent integration for the management of illumination was installed, which as a comprehensive solution assists in maintaining the illumination during routine conservation works, enables the detection of damage and logistic preparation for their removal. This solution also allows for managing the power consumption, optimal fitting of the quantity of the light to a given place, weather conditions and time of the day and year.

Who uses/benefits from the effects of the project?

The residents of Katowice, passing individuals, tourists – road users and pedestrians.

What are the main benefits of the project?

  • reducing the environmental pollution through assembling effective energy street lighting,
  • significant reduction of the demand for electric energy which translates into:
    • measurable limiting of the gas emission to the atmosphere
    • and significant reduction of operating and maintenance costs of lighting systems installed in sequences on the streets included in the project.
  • improvement in the visibility on roads and pavements which influences:
    • the increase in safety of all road users
    • and limiting the frequency of acts of the vandalism.
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