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Fundusze Europejskie dla Śląskiego 2021-2027

Digitalisation of the Archive of Town Hall in Katowice

In the era of constantly developing IT software systems and increasingly advanced computer and mobile equipment, the society expects modernization of procedures applied in administration, in a way that would enable their realisation with the help of the Internet. The project is an answer for the residents’ needs, using, among others, structural documentation or interested in the historical acts of the Municipal National Council of 1973-1990. Within the framework of the project, cumulatively, the Town Hall in Katowice digitalised 782 documents comprising in total 8,885 pages, incl.: 215 pages of structural projects, 4 plans/maps and 8,666 pages of protocols and acts of the Municipal National Council.

Project title
Digitalisation of the chosen means of the Archive of Town Hall in Katowice

City of Katowice

Priority axis/ Measure/ Sub-measure
Priority axis: II. Digital Silesia
Measure: 2.1. Support of the development of digital social services
Sub-measure: none

Project value: PLN 162,624.21
EU grant value: PLN 138,230.57

Why was the project undertaken?

Bearing in mind the obligation stemming from the Act on Public Information Access the Town Hall in Katowice assigned a tab in the main menu of the service for materials of the City Council where users can search through the archives (protocols, acts, voting results, declarations, etc.) from the past sessions by selecting a given month and year. The Council has not so far published structural acts, whereas the digitalisation of protocols of the sessions and acts of the City Council is incomplete and covers only years until 1990. The contents are published within the official service of the Town Hall in Katowice: Materials related to the work of the City Council are also published within the Public Information Bulletin, at:

The Town Hall did not publish any resources within mobile apps, nevertheless the official service of the Council was adjusted to mobile devices.

Whereas, the way of accessing the unpublished data was to date restricted and time-consuming. To get an insight into documents found in resources of the Archive it was necessary to file an application in the Citizen Service Centre. After prosecuting an archival query, a person who filed an application is informed by letter about its results. If the structural documentation was preserved, then it is available for inspection in the Archive Studio in the chosen days of the week during limited hours, i.e. every Tuesday and Thursday 7.30 to 15.30.

The realisation of the project aimed to simplify the procedures related to  access to structural acts. The project also was supposed to supplement the databases with a full list of acts of the City Council and in a significant way extend the functionality of the Internet service of the City Council by launching a new section of the Archives, facilitating the sharing of structural documentation online.

What has been achieved?

The postulates of the project were realised, both the website and mobile apps, via which the digitalised resources of the Archives of the Town Hall in Katowice are available, function and will be ultimately be shared with to the  users. The available resources may be viewed through the official service of the city of Katowice:

Who uses/benefits from the effects of the project?

  • persons interested in the history and architecture of Katowice,
  • students,
  • researchers,
  • architects,
  • designers.

What are the main benefits of the project?

Public and easy access to the resources of the Archives of the Town Hall  in Katowice (incl. access at any time) not generating extra costs for the users.

Po kliknięciu na obrazku zostanie otwarte okno modalne z dużą wersją obrazka. Możliwe będzie przeglądanie galerii kolejnych obrazków.
Korzystanie z galerii za pomocą skrótów klawiszowych:
  • Escape: zamyka galerie.
  • Spacja: uruchamia/zatrzymuje automatyczny slaidshow (play/pause).
  • Lewa strzałka: poprzedni slaid.
  • Prawa strzałka: następny slaid.

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