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Fundusze Europejskie dla Śląskiego 2021-2027

Comfortable learning conditions in the Special School Complex in Pyskowice

The main problem of the Complex of Special Schools (ZSS) in Pyskowice, was the fact that for a school which is attended by pupils with disabilities, the building was not adjusted to the needs of disabled individuals. Moreover, the Complex of Schools struggled with insufficient educational base for practical education. Pupils gained theoretical knowledge and attended practical classes only on an interim basis and in a very narrow range, because of the restrictions which stemmed from the lack of appropriate studios and equipment. Presently, the situation of ZSS in Pyskowice drastically changed, among others, thanks to the support from European Funds.

Project title
The expansion and modernization of the building of the Complex of Special Schools in Pyskowice in order to create studios and workshops which would enable to educate in the profession of a cook and technical studios along with eliminating architectural barriers

Gliwice District

Priority axis/ Measure/ Sub-measure
Priority axis: XII. Educational infrastructure
Measure: 12.2. Infrastructure of vocational training
Sub-measure: 12.2.1. Infrastructure of vocational training - ITI

Project value: PLN 2,352,078.51
EU grant value: PLN 1,762,373.26

Why was the project undertaken?

The Complex of Special Schools (ZSS) in Pyskowice  comprises two schools which equip pupils with vocational education:

  • Basic Special Vocational School
  • and the School for Vocational Preparation

ZSS Pyskowice has its base in an old, XIX century building which is poorly adjusted to the needs of disabled individuals (in spite of educating a large number of pupils with different types of disability), having at its disposal - before project implementation – a limited number of rooms suitable for being used as workshops for the apprenticeship classes.

Pupils of the Basic Vocational School obtained their first professional experiences at employers or - as it was in the case of pupils of the School for Vocational Preparation - in poorly equipped studios, which did not measure up to the conditions in the future place of employment. This situation considerably affected the comfort of pupil's learning, which - on account of restrictions associated with disabilities - require more patience and time than their peers from mass schools. The most effective teaching methods in their case include direct experience, personal performance of practical tasks and multiple repetitions of given activities, which require well equipped studios and the feeling of safety.

These two main problems – non-adjustment of the building for persons with disabilities and the necessity for the development of the teaching base, led to the creation of the project's concept and later, its execution.

What has been achieved?

Four new studios for vocational practice were created:

  • cook’s help,
  • bricklayer-plasterer,
  • carpenter’s assistant,
  • and hotel assistant.

Two of these studios were created after the superstructure of the part of the building, thanks to which c. 250 m 2 of new surface for teaching purposes was gained. One of the studios was created from the attic part of the school and the second studio was entirely renovated.

 Due to the superstructure of the 1st floor in the part for sanitary purposes, converting the sanitary facilities was necessary (the ones situated on the ground floor).Currently, they are adapted to regulations, and the number of toilets available to individuals with physical disability also increased. Moreover, a lift enabling convenient transport from the ground floor to the second floor was installed.

Who uses/benefits from the effects of the project?

Pupils of the Basic Vocational Special School and the School for Vocational Preparation, functioning  within the confines of the Complex of Special Schools in Pyskowice.

What are the main benefits of the project?

  • creating the possibility of apprenticeship for pupils, with identical conditions to the conditions in potential places of employment, which provides them with comfort of preparation for carrying out specific professions, adjusted to their perceptive abilities,
  • facilitating and streamlining communication inside the school for individuals with disabilities, particularly with physical disability.
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