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Fundusze Europejskie dla Śląskiego 2021-2027

Centre of Active Citizenship in Częstochowa

In recent years Częstochowa witnessed a deepening phenomenon of homelessness. In 2010, within the city area, 374 homeless individuals were registered, in 2014 there were as many as 591 individuals which means, that within only 4 years the number of homeless people in Częstochowa  increased by over 58%. Homeless individuals in Częstochowa encounter problems such as poverty (91% of the homeless), unemployment (78%), alcohol addiction (61%), disability (35%) or chronic diseases (15%). Additionally, 8% of them found themselves on the streets of Częstochowa after being released from prison. The enumerated problems are rarely encountered in isolation, they usually coexist and overlap, making it difficult for homeless individuals to change their adverse situation. The city decided to address the issue and create a place, where the homeless will be able to get necessary support which can reunite with the society.

Project title
Construction of the office-service building along with a hostel for the needs of the Activity Centre for the Citizens of the districts in the city centre and Old Town, Krakowska Street 34

City of Częstochowa

Priority axis/ Measure/ Sub-measure
Priority axis: X. Revitalization and social and health infrastructure
Measure: 10.2. Development of the social, assisted and protected housing industry and infrastructure of public services
Sub-measure 10.2.2. Development of the social, assisted and protected housing industry and infrastructure of public services - RTI

Project value: PLN 3,330,090.00
EU grant value: PLN 2,547,883.50

Why was the project undertaken?

The goal of creating the Centre of Active Citizenship (CAC) was its complexity - so that one place can offer full support to individuals in need. From the possibility to use baths, receive clothes, a meal and the help in issuance of documents through long-term support, social work and the activity, which has a purpose of becoming more independent and overcoming problems. The need for implementation of the project was a result of analysis of social issues diagnosed in the Strategy of Territorial Investments for the Subregion of the North Silesian Province. The project is a part of Strategy for Solving Social Issues of Częstochowa for years 2014-2020 and protective program for the homeless and individuals threatened with homelessness in the area of Częstochowa in the years 2014-2020.

What has been achieved?

A degraded building at Krakowska Street 34 was renovated and adapted for the needs of the Centre of Active Citizenship, in which there is a hostel, environmental day room, consultative-information point and a storage for clothes. In the Old Town of Częstochowa a place providing comprehensive services for individuals threatened with marginalisation, social exclusion and homelessness, was created. The building currently houses a Section for Counteraction against homelessness of the Municipal of Social Welfare Centre in Częstochowa. The actions in regard to people endangered with marginalization are fulfilled by Christian Foundation Adullam  - in the form of public tasks which they were entrusted with by the city as part of the project - "Old Town - New Life" co-financed in 95% from the resources of European Social Fund.

Who uses/benefits from the effects of the project?

Persons threatened with marginalisation, social exclusion and homelessness (300 individuals from the Old Town district).

What are the main benefits of the project?

Increasing integration and strengthening social and professional activity of people excluded and at risk of social exclusion. Thanks to the implementation of a bundle of ERDF and ESF projects, specialists in many fields are waiting for people in need in CAC. The actions taken are preventive in nature and aim to prevent the processes of poverty, marginalisation and social exclusion. Whole families are taken care of, which is crucial in the case of addicts.

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