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Fundusze Europejskie dla Śląskiego 2021-2027

Brynica Valley – green lungs of Czeladź

The area of the Grabek Park in Czeladź has for years stayed significantly under-invested because of the budgetary constraints of the city. For this reason, the park didn't display bigger natural landscape values. With the help of European Funds it was however  decided to significantly raise natural and recreational values of this area, mainly through revitalization of the body of water with simultaneous forming of settlements of the marsh, water and surface flora, as well as actions in order to care for the area of trees in the park and building "a spring" - cascades along with forming of flows and water cascades.

Project title
Lungs of the Cities – Brynica Valley. Valorisation of old riverbeds in the Grabek Park, along with forming landscape and natural zone with accompanying infrastructure

City of Czeladź

Priority axis/ Measure/ Sub-measure
Priority axis: V. Protection of the environment and the effective use of resources
Measure: 5.4. Biodiversity conservation
Sub-measure: 5.4.1. Biodiversity conservation – ITI

Project value: PLN 5,824,237.67
EU grant value: PLN 2,261,259.13

Why was the project undertaken?

The main goal of the project was to protect biodiversity and natural resources of the Grabek Park and its surrounding areas, among which one may find: Mulberry Garden and a bowl after a former water reservoir. The project implementation in the end was supposed to influence:

  • stopping the progressing degradation of natural resources of the Grabek Park,
  • and increasing the natural and recreational values of the park.

What has been achieved?

An area of 3.3 ha of the park was recultivated and new species of animals and plants were introduced, while the already existing flora and  fauna was provided with more severe protection. As a result of implementation of the project, the general state of the ecosystem was improved, the biological diversity was increased, while ecological functions of Grabek Park were supported and turned into an appealing place for tourists. The aforementioned goals were achieved through:

  • restoring the bowl of the water reservoir and using it to create a new type of natural habitat with ecological function alluding to the old riverbed,
  • forming flows and water cascades, fulfilling aerating functions,
  • building footbridges for pedestrians for preserving the system of aerating,
  • building wooden pier for keeping the flora on the area of the back swamp,
  • tidying up the flora of the park,
  • elimination of invasive species,
  • planting new flora,
  • creating didactic paths,
  • conducting an informational-didactic campaign.

Who uses/benefits from the effects of the project?

Inhabitants and tourists visiting Czeladź.

What are the main benefits of the project?

  • access to renovated parking space for the residents,
  • possibility of practising natural tourism,
  • creating well-groomed area, where one can regain physical and mental strength by having contact with nature
  • improvement in the state of the natural environment in the city,
  • creating a new type of settlement and arranging aquatic environments,
  • increasing the natural value of Czeladź,
  • increasing the tourist and recreational quality of the city,
  • effective fight against the stereotypical image of the Silesian voivodeship as an area exclusively connected with heavy industry.
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